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Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure

Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure


8889 Plays Added on Sep 19, 2024

Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure

Description :

As an Indiana Jones-like adventurer called Harry, Jr. you must embark on an epic and deadly mission into the depths of the dark and mysterious Mayan jungles to find the clues that will hopefully lead you to his captured father. In the awesome Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure you must explore the jungle, swinging around on vines, sliding down slippery slopes, jumping huge gaps and much more to unearth the clues. Be warned the jungles are dangerous places and you'll need to fight off many creatures along the way so keep your guard up!

If you liked that and would love some more adventure within extreme environments with crazy things trying to prevent you from doing your thing then you'll simply need to grab a vine and swing on over to play Werewolf: The Last Warrior, Pitfall 3D - Beyond The Jungle not forgetting Crash Bandicoot!

Tags :


Additional Information

Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure is an online retro game which you can play for free here at It has the tags: action, adventure, skill, and was added on Jan 19, 2015. It has been played 8889 times and is available for the following systems: Sega 32X You can also play Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure unblocked.


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